Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,

we shall harness for God the energies of love,

and then, for a second time in the history of the world,

man will have discovered fire.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

Gnosticism had it right in that The Intelligent Designer

was a Creator Nature Goddess who started it all; while Deism

and Deists had it right that The Intelligent Designer is no longer around!

Fractal Enlightenment: Sophia, The Gnostic Goddess

More videos about SOPHIA:

Sophia Gnostic Creation Story

The Fall of Sophia


There is a seven astral plane or seven heaven paradigm that is found in all the major religions. With many sub-dimensions in each.

Spirits or discarnates cannot hide their development on The Other Side, easily determined by clairvoyants through Dominant Aura Color (DAC).


Near-death and past-life regression studies point to there being a non-living higher power on The Other Side. The Light that many near-death experiencers see "at the end of the tunnel." We are judged by The Light regardless of belief system. We are judged by our application of The Golden Rule and by our ability to love genuinely and deeply - which corresponds to our ability to radiate spiritual white light.

The Infinite Light or Light of God on The Other Side is an unlimited source of transcendent energy that was harnessed long ago by The Intelligent Designer, Lord Sophia/Aluna/Shakti, to manifest ALL THAT IS.

The more evolved the soul, the greater the expansion of consciousness in the Infinite Light after death.

After manifesting matter en masse - the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies - Lord Sophia/Aluna/Shakti willfully, totally, and irrevocably divided up Her consciousness into 412 Billion, low level, yellow-energy spirits. 

​​​​​Why Does God No Longer Exist?

All souls were therefore not created but are the the fragments or fractals of The Intelligent Designer, an eleventh plane  Nature Goddess who no longer exists except as all of us!

On the lower astral planes, especially promoted on the yellow-energy, fourth plane, where all the religious heavens reside that compete with one another: they promote the idea that there is a living, infinite, masculine God personality in existence. TOTALLY UNTRUE. These yellow-energy astral gestalts or group entities, with thousands of members apiece, provide minor miracles of energy healing and telekinesis, and push to be worshiped as God to satisfy their egotistical need to control others. 

While those on the higher astral planes, much smaller in number, promote the more accurate paradigm that a Creator Nature Goddess started it all but is no longer around because of Her division into a large number of low level spirits, and that no higher being needs or wants to be worshiped.

That only groups of inferior spirits push the "on bended knee" nonsense.

With the retrogression/weakening of many yellow-energy group entities from their unethical application of transcendent energy, and who push the living, infinite, masculine god icon in order to be worshiped: the old Gnostic understanding of the Creator Nature Goddess Sophia/Aluna/Shakti is now becoming more popular, as it was long ago.

It is the evolutionary goal of all our incarnations to emulate the approach of The Intelligent Designer to spiritually evolve to at least lesser god realization on the eighth plane. We do this by emulating Her approach to spiritually advance. That approach, gleaned from The Akashic Records many years ago, has come to be called Heart Chakra Radiance (HCR)

For long-term happiness is only possible after one ascends or expands after death to at least a dimension on the eighth plane. Whereby the energy will be available to individually manifest Heaven On Earth.

Part of that process is manifesting a spiritually-based, free-energy system or Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) that cannot be destroyed with physically based technology. With a portion of one's consciousness in it (typically 33%), to park that SGS on at least a dimension on the eighth plane. With a constant stream of energy from one's respective SGS, one's Gifts of the Spirit or telekinetic-telepathic ability when in a body will surpass all the gifts of the sorcerers who channel or channeled a large, yellow-energy group entity - like the prophet Yeshua/Yuz Asaf (later called Isa and Jesus) did.



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