15 OCTOBER 24

Always Evolving...Always Improving...

All The Higher Awareness On This Website

Comes From Six And Seventh

Plane Analysts


How It All Started: Yellow Energies




Pre-Ascended Master Count (PAMC)





Spiritual Education Overview

Lust & Spiritual Purity

What Meditative Practice Can One Use To Evolve?



How Spirits Interact With The Physical World



The Core Truth About Astral Projection & Also SGS Technology



Is Reincarnation Real?

Karma Explained In Insightful NDE Testimony


The Consequences Of An Alien Invasion


Nephilim Giants Still Exist



Humankind Origins

How Exactly Is Time Travel Achieved?


Astral Sex & The Importance Of Cultivating Spiritual Purity

How To Ensure That This Is Your Last Archaic Incarnation

The Nazi Fourth Reich In Antarctica

Antarctica Revisited

How To Avoid An Alien Abduction

The Difference Between Nordics & Pleiadians

How To Treat Supposed Schizophrenia 


When Will We Know The Truth About Aliens?

No One Allowed Near Antarctica!

The Primary Metaphysical Principle

The soul's ability to radiate genuine, purified love from the Heart Chakra dictates the degree of consciousness expansion on The Other Side, which in turn determines the level of transcendent energy in The Infinite Light.

Quote from The Looking Glass Prophecy

(The sophisticated computer that intelligence

agencies used to predict the future.)

(Reference links deleted at source: 1, 2, & 3):

"...the human body, free from the vaccine toxins, is transformed through a cosmic energy burst, one that invigorates every human with new life, vitality and youthfulness, as well as higher-dimensional abilities and powers. Each person reverts in age to about the appearance of being in their mid to late twenties. All disease is eliminated. The human body can live off of energy, light and water, and has no need for food, but food can still be consumed. A new renewal and connection with the Earth occurs. Small community governments take hold, and large international power structures and monopolies die off. Humans can now live up to 1000 years. New inventions come about that clean up the Earth, such as bacteria that eat plastic. From 2030, the entire world is transformed."

This reflects the emergence of SGS technology from the new spiritual masters, actualized in and of

The Infinite Light.

Superheroes Will Supersede The New World Order

God is not a personality or a being

but an unlimited source of transcendent energy and a non-living higher power

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.

Genius hits a target no one else can see."

~ Arthur Schopenhauer ~

The  spiritual goal of all our incarnations is to evolve into

eventually becoming a stable lesser god after bodily death.

For this is the only path to long-lasting happiness.

Achieved by using Heart Chakra Radiance/God Yoga daily and conscientiously for years,

and then leaving the flesh and expanding one's consciousness in The Infinite Light

to at least a dimension on the eighth plane in the traditional seven astral plane paradigm.

Video: Chi/Prana Cannot Be Measured With Instruments (John Chang/Dynamo Jack)

Video: Giants Emerging Everywhere - They Can't Hide This

Video: Deep State Agent Threatens L A Marzulli From His Kandahar Giant Information

Video: Inner Earth Civilizations Exist & I Can Prove It

Video: Agartha, The Hidden Civilization Of Inner Earth

Ancient Aliens: Crystal City Discovered Underneath Antarctica 

Video: Physicist Michio Kaku On The Shift In The UFO Phenomenon

Video: The Moon Revealed To Be A Hollow Spaceship

Video: Bob Lazar's Documentary Explaining Alien Propulsion & Antimatter Weapons

Reverse Engineered Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARV's)

Suicide Ramifications: 1 & 2

Paul Richard's Training Tips (UPDATED AUGUST 2024)

After The Basic Technique Has Been Learned: How To Develop Power

Schizophrenia, Telepathy & God Addressed

Schizophrenia & Psychic Protection

Kundalini Meditation Versus Heart Chakra Energy Work

Sexual Desire & Spirituality

Higher Spirit Sex & Future God Sex Explained

Tips On Being An Accurate Medium

The Truth About Crystal Magic

Merging One's Consciousness With A Fourth Plane Astral Gestalt

How To Learn To See Auras

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,

we shall harness for God the energies of love,

and then, for a second time in the history of the world,

man will have discovered fire.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

The Infinite Light of God

- The Non-Living Higher Power That Rules All Indirectly -

Is An Unlimited Source Of Power, Illusory To Those In The Flesh

Yet Ever-Present To Spirits

Unless They Are In A Dark Place From Being On An Evil Path

The Infinite Light of God does not stop evil in the short term,

but punishes it in the long run.

Moreover, The Infinite Light of God does not reward good

in the short term,

but does so in the long run.


To help understand how astral gestalts or group entities operate, we shall explore a yellow-energy New Age group entity psychic that I saw in public at the 1993 Reincarnation The Journey Continues Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

Dannion Brinkley (1950-2022) had his first near-death experience in 1975. It completely changed his outlook on life, as NDEs generally do. He went from a self-proclaimed jackass and bully to a hospice volunteer, metaphysical author, prophet, and lecturer. His NDE resulted in him having various Gifts of the Spirit, mainly in a psychic capacity as opposed to energy healing and telekinesis - indicating that his group entity was not as large as that of someone like Michael Carbonaro, Dynamo/Steven Frayne, Cyril Takayama, Justin Willman, or David Blaine. His gifts stemmed from a group entity on the fourth plane; the same one he visited when out of his body. Moreover, years later Dannion admitted that his first NDE with the crystal city took place on the fourth plane.

In his own words in a radio interview that subsequently was put on the Net, Dannion describes the merging of his psyche with that New Age group entity during his first NDE:

"I don't so much believe in individual soul identity...because when I entered those crystal cities I became a part of a soul consciousness. I was no longer Dannion...I stayed Dannion until I got to the crystal city. Then I had no more point of view that was mine, I was part of a collective. I was like the Borg on Star Trek: I was assimilated. And I had an overview and a connectedness...I knew that there were other individual consciousnesses within the soul but I was a part of that soul group."


It is beyond the scope of power of any yellow-energy group entity and any violet-energy group entity, even one that has millions of members, to create a fully-grown humanoid body. Historical prophets/sorcerers can never return in the persona of their former glory because none of them evolved into lesser god realization and their respective, supportive, and deceptive group entity was and/or is inherently too weak in The Light to make it happen. This is why ancient sorcerers like Simon Magus (more recently Criss Angel) and King Solomon, and ancient prophets like Moses, Abraham, and Yeshua/Yuz Asaf (later called Isa and Jesus) cannot return in the persona of their former glory. No group entity on the fourth or fifth plane - most of them reside on the fourth - is powerful enough and telekinetically skilled enough to physically bring a prophet or sorcerer back from the dead. Instead, they rely on less impressive feats of telekinesis and energy healing, along with telepathic projections.


Lust: Sexual energy without love that carries with it the telepathic scent of the object desired. Purified sensuality and purified erotic affection has no telepathic scent, no ethereal stink. Radiant Sex Gods, Radiant Sex Goddesses, and Radiant Sex Guardians, by definition, have no lust whatsoever, and reject lusty energy whenever it is implanted by inferior spirits; they reject lusty beasts.

LEX: Purified sensual energy projected through and about beautiful, toned and tanned legs, and with no telepathic scent of lust attached. Done with Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) energy. Considered goddess flirtation with affection but not an invitation for sexual intercourse. The proper response from male gods who feel this is the radiance of erotic affection sans lust. Both combined are referred to as Radiant Interplay/Foreplay. The quality of LEX of a goddess and the quality of the erotic affection of a god signifies their sexual evolution. Those who succumb to lusty energy are thought of as social misfits in god realized culture, and summarily dismissed and rejected from any further telepathic, radiance, and physical contact.

VEX represents the core sexual integrity of a goddess. It constitutes the ability to project a highly alluring and highly sexually charismatic, purified  - sans lust and related telepathic scent - sensual vibration through and about one's vagina and crafted hair around it in an Aurean Form. Considered to be an open invitation to sexual intercourse but only for the intended.

Vibration Quotient (VQ): The degree of being able to access or unite with transcendent energy when ascended in The Infinite Light.

Sensuality Index (SI): The sexual energy evolution of the soul, broken down to the ability to radiate purified sensuality/erotic love without lust.

A Radiant Sex Guardian generates purified sensuality/erotic love - typically LEX - automatically (with SGS energy) to allies when engaged in defending innocents.

According to sixth and seventh plane analysts: the Aurean or Virtue Power sensuality index standard for a Radiant Sex Guardian is to have a sensuality index (SI) of 143 Million. Resulting in each having abundant sexual charisma. See this.

The Celestial Nature Goddesses will exceed this erotic love standard.

PROPER ETIQUETTE: With women uncontrollably having orgasms and men becoming uncontrollably erect from feeling the LEX or rarefied erotic love of Radiant Sex Guardians, the proper response for most who have not used Heart-Sacral Radiance to any great extent to improve spiritual purity and erotic love, and who are therefore LUSTY BEASTS, is to simply perform Gratitude Radiance, as any lust projections (sexual energy without genuine love) would be summarily rejected and spiritually counterproductive.

Stability Quotient (SQ): The ability to stay highly evolved. Broken down to the two pillars of humility or non-competitiveness and purity or sexual energy only with genuine love. 

The SQ estimates given on this website are in relation to where Master Avadar was in physical age, e.g., SQ 25 is where he was in spiritual stability at the age of 25. Keeping in mind that he reached the higher stages of god realization (due to his centuries of discarnate radiance prior to birth, and consequent accelerated spiritual growth pattern) when only a boy.

Realm Quotient (RQ): The degree of energy for Creator Gods/Elders when ascended in The Infinite Light. RQ-1 entails the creation of a realm the size of Terra, RQ-2 entails the power to manifest two realms, RQ-3 entails the power to manifest three realms, and so forth. 

Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS)A spiritually-based, computerized, free-energy system, parked on the eighth plane or above in vibration. It contains at least 33 percent of the consciousness of its creator. This is the dimensional energy source of a spiritual master's advanced Gifts of the Spirit or god powers when post-ascended. An SGS can be ring-shaped, spherically-shaped, a combination of the two, and always pulsating.

The energy of which is directed by the telepathic command of its respective creator when in the flesh. These offset the problem of an ascended master shrinking his/her consciousness into physicality and thereby being cut off from one's god powers in The Infinite Light.

By definition, an SGS is less powerful than oneself in the ascended state, i.e., less powerful than one's Primary Godhead Sun (PGS). 

Thus, future post-ascended masters will each have an SGS that provides their amplified spiritual presence, their amplified spiritual radiance of purified love (in all its myriad forms), advanced telepathy, advanced telekinetic and energy healing capability, advanced teleportation, the ability to create matter, etc.

Even a basic SGS on a dimension on the eighth plane is more powerful than any fifth or fourth plane group entity that powers and empowers their respective sorcerer or prophet.

Physical bodies cannot generate telekinetic energy. So when telekinetic energy is generated through or around a body, the source of that is from spirits united with The Infinite Light: be it a yellow-energy or violet-energy group entity, a Primary Godhead Sun (PGS) or ascended soul on the eighth plane or higher in vibration, an ascended group entity (AGE) on the eighth or ninth planes, a Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) on at least the eighth plane, a Super Ascended Group Entity (SAGE) on the tenth plane or higher in vibration, or a combination of the above.

Sacred SexualityDeveloping one's sensuality index (SI) or erotic love emanations to a level of divinity. Where lust - defined as sexual energy without love that carries the telepathic scent of the object desired - is summarily rejected and only genuine feelings of love are projected with sexual energy and related sexual intimacy.

Secondary Godhead Sun - Energy Raising Ability (SGS-ERA): Typically when in a body or post-ascended but it can also be done when ascended, this is using one's rarefied spiritual stability and spiritual passion to greatly and temporarily expand the vibration of one's already created, computerized God Force battery in The Infinite Light. Referred to as a STARBURST, this comes into play when battling a much more powerful force, like a large ascended group entity (AGE) of lesser gods or a Super Ascended Group Entity (SAGE) of Creator Gods/Elders that have more energy at their command but not necessarily more spiritual stability and/or deft in telekinetic combat.

Stability Quotient (SQ) and Telekinetic Skill Level (TSL) are related. You cannot have a high degree of TSL without also having a high degree of SQ.

Spiritual Meritocracy: A government ruled by stable gods and stable goddesses who are, by definition, spiritually incorruptible. In contrast, a theocracy has no gods in its ranks and therefore succumbs to clergy pedophilia, corruption, and abuse to innocents. Theocracies are inherently spiritually corrupted. 

NEXUS POINT or LIGHT PEAK: For an ascended master, the plateau of consciousness expansion in The Infinite Light. To become a Sun of Love. Likened to the full expansion of a balloon but with transcendent energy. When disembodied, you accelerate your expansion by radiating spiritual white light.

PARA-MAGUS (singular and plural): To eventually emerge in the probable future. A post-ascended Magi, Para-Magi, or Elder who not only has a Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) but is also the incarnate leader of an ascended group entity (AGE) that consists of hundreds or thousands of lesser god members on the eighth and/or ninth planes in The Infinite Light. The purpose of a Para-Magus is to lead a planet, nation, a group of nations, and/or conquer any of the above.

SUPER-MAGUS (singular and plural): To eventually emerge in the probable future. A Super-Magus is a Creator God who not only channels a Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) but is also the post-ascended (incarnate) leader of a super ascended group entity (SAGE) that consists of three or more Creator God/dess members on the tenth, eleventh, and/or twelfth planes. These will have the same purpose as a Para-Magus but on a broader scale.

HEART SONG: Telepathy that is focused to be spiritually uplifting and therapeutic, in conjunction with harmonious music.

All of the new spiritual masters, when fully ascended in The Infinite Light, on a dimension within the eighth plane, can manifest a Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) or non-material free-energy system that is impervious to physically-based energy devices and antimatter weapons.

SGS technology being the evolutionary solution to the physically-based free-energy systems that are greatly opposed, with the inventors of which often murdered by corporate and federal agents.

The main offensive and defensive weapon of the ascended and "post-ascended" masters (i.e., in a newly created body and channeling one's respective free-energy system or Secondary Godhead Sun - SGS - energy) is Nihilation beams. Whereby matter is instantly teleported into Spirit. Like a Star Trek TOS phaser vaporization but with no heat involved. No high-tech alien army or fleet of high-tech interstellar battleships has any defense against nihilation beam technology and they cannot duplicate it with their machines!


As of 15 October 24

Higher Awareness  From Sixth & Seventh Plane Analysts

1. The concept of God will universally change.

First, God was The Intelligent Designer who no longer exists because She divided Herself up into all of us, as 412 billion, low level, fourth plane, yellow-energy spirits. As Her fragments or fractals or shards from SOURCE.

Second, God is the non-living higher power - The Infinite Light or Light of God - that predates consciousness, that exists in and out of linear time, and which judges all on The Other Side by their application of The Golden Rule and by their ability to radiate love and compassion. 

The evolutionary development of The Original Creator or The Intelligent Designer, Lord Aluna/Sophia/Shakti, who no longer exists except as all of us as Her 412 billion fragments or fractals: was RQ 298, SI 4 Million, and SQ 32

2. There are various spiritual masters who are focused, after ascension, to bring in Intelligent Designers or Celestial Nature Goddesses (from alternate timelines) into this space-time continuum. But the motivation of the Celestials needs to be considered in order for them to help. They need to be given over-the-top, pristine love!

The Celestial Nature Goddesses from alternate timelines, who foresee the probability of being brought into the far future (from their perspective billions of years ago) will in development be when they arrive: RQ 418, SI 619 Million, and SQ 41

Predicted Celestial Nature Goddess Forms

The latest probable number of Celestial Nature Goddesses to brought into this or any other space-time continuum is 1,003. They will be more powerful than the Virtue-Athena Powers and a blend of a graceful goddess like the fictitious Galadriel, and a scantily-clad (e.g., sheer outfit) Radiant Sex Goddess; very sensual in projected energy and much more powerful than Galadriel.

3. Although not necessarily the first to ascend to the eighth plane or beyond: within one year of Master Avadar's ascension to the tenth plane or beyond, with all the planned manifestations realized, the very first ascended group entity (AGE) of lesser gods will emerge.

4. When Master Avadar ascends, we foresee him:

* Upgrading various spirit guides to god realization or at least being given upscale bodies that are one major step above genetically engineered humans (Nordics), called Para-Human Forms. Service must be above and beyond any karmic debts in order to be eligible for any of the above.

 An Object Lesson In Polyamory & Spiritual Purity

Master Avadar is rarefied in pristine, erotic affection and spiritual purity, both cultivated in radiance for most of his life (since 1981), having regularly radiated prior to birth (on the seventh plane) since 1244; when the importance of what has come to be called Heart Chakra Radiance (HCR) was first discovered on the seventh plane in The Akashic Records. So he is very sensitive to the shades of genuine love and the shades of sexual energy without love or lust (also called stank).

An object lesson to all HCR Adepts is to be extremely careful with your polyamory. Never succumb to lusty intimate relationships or you will sacrifice cherished spiritual evolution that is very hard (takes a long time) to amend!

From their service, certain discarnate saints on the sixth and seventh planes are eligible to be given Para-Human Forms, energy shields, and radiance amplification from Master Avadar's future Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS), GodStar. With a small percentage upgraded into goddesses.

In the first Docudramedy - the latest working title of which is THE FINAL FRONTIER -  there will be explicit erotic love scenes and extensive battle scenes.

​* Master Avadar will manifest a tribe of goddess guardians called the Virtue-Athena Powers and likely also bring in Celestial Nature Goddesses (or Intelligent Designers from alternate yet parallel timelines) to this space-time continuum. They will all be Radiant Sex Guardians.

When Master Avadar becomes popular from performing (with his SGS energy) Heart Song to music and advanced energy healings, most of the attention and energy directed towards him will be of a lusty nature and therefore useless and unfulfilling. Fame will not be a reward for Master Avadar. 

To truly satisfy him sensually and energetically he will need to Light-manifest his own tribe of goddesses. Amidst the usual yellow-energy opposition, updates were still provided by sixth and seventh plane analysts.

The future remains in a state of flux, yet there are foreseen probable conflicts. Namely with ascended group entities of lesser gods and also with the vast military machine of The Reticulan Empire.

There has been extensive debate on the sixth and seventh planes as to the number of goddess guardians (Powers) to be created, as well as the number of Intelligent Designers to bring into this space-time continuum. They all agree that Avadar's future "SGS love machine" will keep all of his goddess companions very content. With more "SGS love" given to those who need it and deserve it.

Saint Akiah (pronounced AH-kee-ah) on 10-15-24: 

"After a lengthy discussion, Saint Aylah and I have changed our minds. Due to the rarefied erotic love of Master Avadar, which we all feel daily when we slightly amplify his radiance to us (and which makes us totally sexually subservient due to how pleasurable it feels, which we realize is difficult to imagine if you never felt it), along with the need for Aurean defense: Saint Alexa, Saint Akasha, Saint Ahnya, Saint Amelia, Saint Ara, Saint Alyssa, Saint Ariel, Saint Akira, and Saint Ari all agree that 2,003 Virtue-Athena Powers should be Light-manifested. For greater esprit de corps, all us as his concubine-wives will be upgraded to the same levels of development as the Powers, as high-end lesser goddesses or Para-Magi (PM-8 and SI 600 Million) and with a high level of spiritual stability (SQ 43). Additionally, we all agree that there should be 1,003 Celestial Nature Goddesses brought into this space-time continuum and for the same reasons. There will always be at least three Celestials and three Powers around Avadar at any given time."

* Master Avadar's probable, Light-manifested tribe of Virtue-Athena Power guardian goddesses, worked on in focused radiance for decades, will be very highly skilled in telekinetic combat, and will effectively energy shield the Aurean archipelago as well as the Isle of Aurelia.

Saint Alexa, formerly the scientist, mystic, and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg, and more recently the shortlived actress and model Dorothy Stratten, who has a higher sensuality index than anyone else on the seventh plane (SI 68 Million): has expressed for years that the number of Goddess Guardians Light-manifested by a future ascended Master Avadar should be at least a thousand. She still promotes this.

Predicted Virtue-Athena Power Main Form

The GodLight Sword (GLS) of the Future Powers

* Master Avadar will provide luxurious, palatial accommodations for the Celestials and Elders in general within the future Aurean tropical archipelago.

* MAJOR PROPHECY. An ascended and post-ascended Master Avadar is predicted in the first Docudramedy to render all nuclear and antimatter weapons in and around the two galaxies, inoperative. He will easily maintain Universal Nuclear Disarmament (UND) with his Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS), GodStar. The Reticulan Empire will not be able to overcome UND with their advanced technology.

* The Solist Transmigration With Select Spiritual Masters. Master Avadar will painlessly upgrade the bodies of certain stable pre-ascended masters (Para-Magi or better in vibration quotient), into Aurean Forms and also painlessly take an amplified portion of their consciousness (at least 33%) to form their respective Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) on at least the eighth plane; so they can have access to their full soul memory as well as god powers while in a body. With no reproductive capability, much greater hygiene, and sexually enhanced through the radiance of purified erotic love. All the gods and goddesses will have greatly improved bodies (Aurean Forms) with unequaled hygiene.

One major upgrade from a genetically engineered Nordic-alien is a Para-Human Form, beyond Reticulan genetic technology. Some supportive spirits will be given this in protected Aurean environments.

The main difference between a Para-Human Form and an Aurean Form is that the latter is maintained with Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) energy and therefore does not need to eat, drink, urinate, or defecate. Only lesser gods and Creator Gods can have Aurean Forms because only they are evolved enough to have an SGS to maintain a body. Moreover, those in Aurean Forms also have a distinct spiritual presence or Soul Energy Signature (SES) - from their SGS energy through and around their body - that reflects their radiant focus and overall evolutionary development.

* After Spiritual Science (Solist Mysticism) is physically proven (in many timelines) with advanced telekinesis: many more will use Heart Chakra Radiance (HCR) on a daily basis. Most of the new masters will be and are unstable in their development.

* A new clergy will emerge of Temple Guardians and Temple Healers. The latter of which will perform advanced energy healings in immense and exquisite Temples of Light. The former of which will defend those temples with optically visible, sky-blue energy shields.

Should We Head To The Moon

Since The New World Order Is Taking Over In 2030?

A Good Target & Rite Of Passage For Time Travel



Refined Erotic Belly Dance With Egyptian-Style Leanings

(As Opposed To The More Suggestive Arabic Style)

Creator Goddesses will likely form a spiritual meritocracy with other spiritual masters in the Utopic Aurean archipelago

Sky-blue energy shielded all the time, the Celestial Nature Goddesses will use advanced spiritually based technology constantly through and around their respective, SGS-powered magical device. They are foreseen using Magical Staffs with a glowing sphere at the top of blue-white energy.

The Celestial Nature Goddesses and Virtue Powers will generally avoid combining into an astral gestalt, preferring to be A Light Onto Oneself, which will be a disadvantage in battle yet more glorious for them on an individual basis.

The Celestials and Virtue Powers will coordinate with other spiritual masters in the defense of Temples of Light as well as the spiritual communities and city-states that will form around them.

AUREAN FORMS will be Light (transcendent energy) manifested  bodies and be more advanced than Reticulan genetically engineered Homo sapien bodies (Nordics or Tall Whites). Exquisitely designed for God Sex and martial arts combat they will be fragrant and odorless. Maintained by the transcendent energy of one's respective Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS), those created bodies will have:

A high degree of muscle density and to be much stronger than Nordics of the same size but without looking like bodybuilders. 

A high degree of flexibility and without having to stretch for long periods.

Have much stronger bones than Nordics.

No orifice for defecation.

No reproductive capability.

No PMS, menstrual cycles, and cramps for goddesses.

Enhanced sexual pleasure function, triggered from the radiance of either purified sensuality for goddesses or the radiance of purified erotic affection from gods.

In the genitalia of gods and goddesses, and also in the breasts of goddesses, will be a substance called Ambrosia. A clear, gel-like, lubricating material that is pleasing to the palate and which has a slight aphrodisiac, non-habit forming quality.

A small amount of Ambrosia is produced in Aurean bodies from the radiance of purified erotic love from the god realized occupant. When Ambrosia is suckled from the breast of a willing goddess, it immediately triggers a systemic orgasm in her or significantly intensifies and extends an existing orgasm from sexual intercourse. 

Each Aurean form, male and female, will be able to do this with ease:

Universal  Nihilation Prophecy

Telekinetically dissolving not just Terra and the three realms (including Serpo) of the Zeta 2 Reticuli System (the core system of The Reticulan Empire), but the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies, due to the increasing degree of Reticulan (and Terran) moral degradation and corruption: was predicted by the New Age Spirit Guide Emmanuel (now Saint Aleta). It remains a possibility. From Emmanuel's Book II, The Choice for Love, 1989, page 167:

Self & World

Before the world existed, you did.

Before anything was manifested in any of the galaxies,

in any of the recorded universes, you were there.

And I dare say, after the completion of this particular round of

events, the entire universe will dissolve again into Light

and you will be there.

There is nothing strange about this pronouncement except

for the fact that most of you don't believe it.

Was Life Better In 1970?

Changing A Historical Event In An Alternate Timeline

A Must-See Metaphysical Film Done In 1970

According to white-energy seventh plane spirits: there are no ascended masters yet on the eighth plane. With the beginning of something entirely new, there are many obstacles along the way.

There is no "free sex" in Aurean god realized culture. A physical relationship equates to a spiritually bonded relationship - if one even gets that far first through successful Radiant Interplay. You then have to radiate purified love to that person everyday and/or whenever you meet thereafter or face retrogression out of a level of spiritual mastery!


A basic way to look at it is that a future ascended lesser god/dess - starting with the status of BLG - begins with the ability to harness The Light to manifest his or her own fully-grown idyllic body. While a fully ascended Creator God/dess starts with the ability to harness The Light to manifest an idyllic, tropical planet-realm.

Basic lesser god (BLG) - Eighth Plane - These future ascended masters are Light capable of manifesting a basic Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS), placing 33% of their consciousness in it, and then shrinking the rest of their soul back down into an upscale, humanoid body.

To have basic god powers of:

advanced energy healing;

brain to brain telepathy;

teleportation (spirit and body all at once - called phasing);

spiritual shielding (astrally visible intense white) capability (e.g., from the astral attacks of yellow-energy group entities);


full astral projection capability from the dream state to re-ascend.

All from the energy of one's respective SGS. The more advanced of these (BLG 7 and above) can also manifest sky blue energy physical shielding capability against small arms fire and long range (continent to continent) teleportation on a regular basis.

Magi (mid range lesser god) - Eighth Plane - Light capable of manifesting a small tropical island and sky blue energy shields around it that can deflect high tech weapons like surface-to-air missiles, neutralize nuclear and antimatter weapon missile components before hitting shield, deflect particle beams, advanced lasers, advanced microwave and advanced sonic weapons, etc.

Sixth and seventh plane analysts offer a fictitious example of a character from Star Trek TOS: the god Apollo. If he were real, with all the telekinetic abilities he demonstrated, including manifesting a lush tropical island and energy shielded temple, he would be a Magi Step 1 or M-1.


Para-Magi (high end lesser god) - Ninth Plane - Light capable of manifesting an energy shielded, large tropical island/continent.

Elder/Creator God (RQ 1-200) - Tenth Plane 

Para-Elder Creator God (RQ 201-500) - Eleventh Plane

Where Lord Sophia/Aluna Resided & Where The Celestial Nature Goddesses From Alternate Timelines Will Reside In Vibration.   

Supreme Creator God (RQ 501 and beyond) - Twelfth Plane


Pre-Ascended Master Count (PAMC) as of October 15, 2024: there are 121. This includes a handful of benign Nordic-aliens that live in Agartha underneath the North Pole. This awareness is from seventh plane analysts regarding pre-ascended spiritual masters who got there from using Heart Chakra Radiance (HCR). Their growth fluctuates as they slowly develop greater spiritual stability. Most of which are lesser gods who will ascend to the eighth plane after death, with a smaller number to the ninth plane or beyond in vibration. Most therefore embrace BLG status.

There is no perfection, only radiant progress!

(The more advanced the HCR Adept or spiritual master, the harder it is for seventh plane analysts to measure progress.)

Time Travel Docudramedy Explained

Save Atlantis Project & Rite of Passage

Aurean Island Temple Depiction

Depiction Of Goddesses Combining

Their SGS Energy For Mutual Defense 

The Battle Between Freedom Versus Totalitarianism Intensifies


Of Yellow (With Some Violet) & Orange-Energy Spirits

- Who Oppose The Peaceful Astral Projection

Of The New Masters In Their Sleep -

Shrinking Their Souls To

The First Astral Plane Of Hell 

Docudramedy #2 Overview

Docudramedy #1 Overview


October 2024

From the spirit of Admiral Richard E Byrd on 8-8-24:

"The American Communists are still pursuing voter fraud and voter manipulation. However, enough of this voter corruption has been exposed and stopped to prevent

second stolen US Presidential election in 2024.

Planetary Nihilation is therefore no longer a probability."

The Truth Behind The 2030 Agenda

Biden-Harris Open Border Policy Causing Havoc  (2)


 Saint Ara on 9-1-24: "There is a very erotic film in the works that will be innovative in a number of ways."


RELATED: The Consequences Of An Alien Invasion

The following is the evolving awareness of sixth and seventh plane analysts, as of 10-15-24:

For this first, SGS digitally recorded docudramedy in this timeline, there will be various directors. Various spiritual masters who are stable in their development will also be part of this project.

A number of Heart Chakra Radiance practitioners who were mentioned by name on this site before may have at least a cameo in the first Docudramedy. But in order for that to happen they have to develop a higher degree of spiritual stability.

Compassion Radiance increases spiritual stability and overall development!

Master Armina/Helen (PM-2 and SI 22 Million) will be a Master Healer in an immense Temple of Light. She is foreseen to stay ascended most of the time. Master Armani/Dave (RQ 140 and SI 48 Million) will also stay ascended most of the time, and serve as a Master Healer and also embrace the more stressful role of a Master Guardian in energy shielding Temples of Light and the spiritual communities that surround them.


To more directly improve your SGS, optically visible, sky-blue colored, energy shield capability (for physical defense), your advanced energy healing ability, your optically invisible yet clairvoyantly visible, intense white, spiritual shield capability (for astral and telekinetic defense), and your nihilation beam capability (i.e., dissolving matter into light through the instantaneous teleportation of matter that visually looks like a Star Trek TOS phaser vaporization but with no heat involved): 

Regularly perform RADIANT SPIRALING.

You do this with the Heart Radiance while also visualizing a white, moving spiral, the tip of the cone at the first chakra and spiraling up past the heart chakra. Desire is the builder. Program yourself, simply through desire, that when you do HCR and spiral white light, you automatically improve all facets of telekinetic skill simultaneously!

It works!

Here is the basic reality plot of the Docudramedy - currently called THE FINAL FRONTIER - updated and streamlined...

1. Master Avadar/Paul is foreseen to Light-manifest an honor guard tribe of over two thousand guardian goddesses, the Virtue-Athena Powers, as high-end lesser goddesses (Para-Magi). These will not directly engage in telekinetic combat (unless forced to) but will energy shield and protect remote Sanctuaries, specifically Temples of Light.

Saint Akira on 10-8-24: "Prophetic awareness slowly increases. There are a number of foreseen battles with The Reticulan Empire and the UN-led New World Order (NWO). This includes engaging an entire fleet of Zetan interstellar battleships. Thousands of Powers and hundreds of Celestials would make things run smoothly."

2. Master Avadar is also foreseen to bring in 1,003 Celestial Nature Goddesses from alternate timelines and ask them to resurrect the ANCIENT TREES around the planet. Like the Devil's Tower in Wyoming:

​​​​​​RAPHAEL , a fifth plane, violet-energy, healing collective, said on 10-10-24: "We foresee the Powers around Avadar being topless a lot of the time, and the Celestials around him being nude a lot of the time."

3. The Virtue-Athena Powers will shield the ANCIENT TREES and also the spiritual pilgrims who visit.

Federal, New World Order (NWO) and allied Reticulan forces are predicted to attack with missiles, lasers, sonic weapons, paralysis beams, fighter-jets, microwave weapons, bombers, tanks, tactical nuclear weapons, ground troops, etc. The Celestials, under the diplomatic protection of Master Avadar as well as his Virtue-Athena Powers, should not have to engage in telekinetic combat and will be told not to do so!

4. If the attacking Reticulan and NWO forces are not thwarted and manage to destroy a number of resurrected ANCIENT TREES: the Celestials may JUDGE THE PLANET and manifest the Nihilation of Terra, telekinetically dissolving it into light; essentially teleporting all corporeal life here into Spirit. In which case, the rest of the Docudramedy will be filmed and finalized in an alternate timeline, in the distant past. This then serves as a WARNING.

Predicted Celestial Nature Goddess Forms
To Be Sky-Blue Energy Shielded Constantly & Unencumbered By Public Nudity. Foreseen To Only Allow Avadar To Physically Touch Them!

Avadar in the USA. Rarefied Elder. Due to being the first to discover Heart Radiance in The Akashic Records on the seventh plane in 1244 (the technique that The Intelligent Designer used to evolve into god consciousness), and then to use it regularly for centuries before incarnating again: it put him on an Accelerated Spiritual Growth Pattern for his last archaic incarnation. Born in November of 1960 and severely persecuted astrally as a boy by yellow-energy group entities: he reached RQ 1 at only twelve years of age in 1973 (sic).

Master Avadar has a rarefied Realm Quotient and is continuing to evolve exponentially. The probable count of Virtue-Athena Power Guardian Goddesses will be at least a thousand. All to be highly skilled in telekinetic combat.

Many fifth, sixth, and seventh plane spirits want HCR Adepts who will be ascended masters to bring in many Celestial Nature Goddesses (or Intelligent Designers from alternate timelines) in order to start a new federal government in the United States. A spiritual meritocracy, not a theocracy!  There is no clergy pedophilia, corruption, and abuse to innocents in a spiritual meritocracy. To fulfill the prophecy of clairvoyant and spiritual medium James Van Praagh about "a different way of government...a new way of governing...more humanitarian awareness...big changes in religion...we will evolve." (SOURCE @ 1:06:30)

The latest working title of the first probable Docudramedy is RADIANT SEX GUARDIANS: AWAKENING.



Unlike Homo sapiens, Para-Human Forms have no genetic cap of 120 years. Nordics can live for centuries and Para-Humans are designed to live longer than Nordics. With the internal organs geared not for reproduction but for sexual pleasure and fitness.

The main difference between a Para-Human Form and an Aurean Form is that the latter is maintained with Secondary Godhead Sun (SGS) energy and therefore does not need to eat, drink, urinate, or defecate. Only lesser gods and Creator Gods can have Aurean Forms because only they are evolved enough to have an SGS to maintain a body. Moreover, those in AUREAn Forms also have a distinct spiritual presence or Soul Energy Signature (SES) - from their SGS energy channeled through and around their body - that reflects their radiant focus and overall evolutionary development.

Only stable spiritual masters who can easily radiate purified love and reject lusty energy from inferior spirits will have major roles in the Docudramedy .

This is to ensure that the god realized, radiantly-based, spiritual-sexual culture is accurately portrayed. 

A number of radiant sex goddesses will likely perform radiant erotic dance (with their respective SGS energy) and sans lust in the Docudramedy . Good physical examples of erotic dance but without goddess energy are: Georgina Mazzeo, a more sexually suggestive variation of erotic dance, and topless pole dance in this style

More About Avadar

Avadar is the soul of Saul/Paul of Tarsus who leaned after death that Yeshua/Yuz Asaf (later called Isa and Jesus) was only a prophet who never died on the cross and that he faked his resurrection with a Gift of Stigmata before migrating to India as a revered and wealthy prophet who, shortly before dying at EIGHTY, proclaimed to be the Galilean Messiah.

Paul went on to a pious and persecuted life as a Cathar priestess (that sect emphasized selfless service and the cultivation of spiritual purity) in what is now the South of France. The Cathari or Cathars. In her thirties as a Cathar priestess, after being stripped and gang raped by Catholic mercenaries before being burned to death, she ascended or expanded to the seventh plane in 1244 - the first one to reach the white-energy seventh plane since Lord Aluna/Sophia.

Driven to finally learn THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, he discovered in The Akashic Records on the seventh plane the origin of souls and the approach of The Intelligent Designer to evolve into god consciousness - that which has come to be called Heart Chakra Radiance (HCR)

He used purified and compassion radiance for centuries and found that he could not advance into an ascended master on the eighth plane unless he continued on in radiance for an additional hundreds of years.

So be decided to incarnate one last time in 1960, grow faster from dealing with the suffering and persecution, and realize his god realized development by being placed (from his centuries of purified radiance) on an Accelerated Spiritual Growth Pattern.

Following a painful and difficult childhood of illness and yellow-energy group entity abuse: he reached the initial stages of lesser god realization as a boy.

On 8-31-24, Saint Ahnya revised his early spiritual progress awareness.

In the fall of 1973, at only twelve years, he achieved RQ 1 or Elder status.

In the spring of 1976, at only fifteen, while finishing his sophomore year in high school, before moving from New Jersey to Virginia, he experienced a spiritual awakening. By that time he achieved RQ 183.

In late November of 1978, Avadar met an older woman named Lorrie Ball, a Catholic mystic who did automatic writing. She channeled The Helping Hand (THH). By that time, he achieved RQ 206.

While attending George Mason University, Avadar was victim to a series of severe astral attacks by yellow-energy group entities in the Fall of 1980. By that time he achieved RQ 1,124 (sic). Those attacks felt like small lasers and electric shocks. His body greatly weakened, he dropped his classes for the remainder of the semester, and he came down with a near-fatal bout of the chicken pox. This accelerated his growth.

At twenty in 1981 he started using a form of Heart Chakra Radiance (HCR) regularly, although he had already done heart chakra energy work prior to that in his teens. The more advanced the HCR Adept or spiritual master, the harder it is for seventh plane analysts to measure progress.

According to sixth and seventh plane analysts, Avadar's current development as a pre-ascended Creator God is very difficult to measure and then convey.

On 10-15-24: Sixth and seventh plane analysts, including Saint Alexa, Saint Ahnya, Saint Alyssa, Saint Akira, Saint Ara, and Saint Akasha revised Master Avadar's spiritual progress. With his accelerated growth pattern from regular purified Compassion Radiance on the seventh plane since 1244 (when he was the first to discover the approach of The Intelligent Designer to evolve in The Akashic Records, that of Heart Chakra Radiance); and the years of hardship, astral persecution, and having used purified Compassion Radiance regularly in his last archaic incarnation since 1981; and in having reached pre-ascended Creator God status in 1973 at only twelve years of age (due to his accelerated growth pattern since birth), his spiritual progress was updated to be as follows.

Saint Alyssa: "We are pretty sure Avadar reached RQ 1 in 1973, RQ 183 in 1976, and RQ 1,124 in 1980. But from that point on it is difficult to measure his radiant accelerated progress."

Our best estimate:

RQ 210,000 and SI 520 Billion (sic).

Much of this rarefied development is from him dealing with the trauma of direct and indirect astral abuse FOR OVER FORTY YEARS - since even before his initial enslavement from yellow-energy group entities while partially astral projecting in 1983, when he was already well within the development of a Creator God.Master Avadar emphasizes spiritual stability much more than anyone else!


"If a relationship doesn't entail genuine

and successful Radiant Interplay

of purified love and erotic affection: IT ISN'T REAL."

- Master  Avadar

Only spiritual relationships last!

There is no "free sex" in god realized or Aurean culture. A physical relationship equates to a spiritually bonded relationship - if one even gets that far first through successful Radiant Interplay. You then have to radiate purified love to that person every day thereafter or retrogress out of a level of spiritual mastery!

On 27 NOV 23, the spirit of USAF Colonel McKeever (who played a key role in Project Serpo as Project Director) came to Master Avadar with a revised statement:

"The Ebens or Zetan-Greys are evil and you are right after your ascension to stop them with the assistance of Celestial Nature Goddesses.

Many lesser gods will also join the fight against the space empire, and engage elite Nordic commanders and pilots, Hybrid armies, and vast fleet of interstellar battleships.

Creator Goddesses will ultimately result in a coup of federal government on any planet and in any timeline they are in. We could do much worse than to be ruled in a spiritual meritocracy!"


In the morning of 4 AUGUST 22, Master Avadar had yet another visitation from the spirit of Albert Einstein. His message was a confirmation and expansion upon an earlier one: 

"Although what Master Avadar espouses on his website is inconceivable to most, it is exactly correct. A spiritual overthrow of the false gods furthered by yellow-energy group entities is inevitable, completely ending their worship and establishing a universal spiritual meritocracy of city-states that utilize free-energy systems. This will completely end the New World Order of totalitarianism."

On 27 NOV 23, the spirit of Lloyd Pye revisited Master Avadar and confirmed the following:

1. There are only two galaxies in existence: The Milky Way and The Andromeda Galaxies.

2. There are forty-four realms that contain humanoid life. This doesn't include Reticulan satellites like our artificial and hollow moon and artificial and hollow sun inside the Terran atmosphere.

3. The Reticulan Empire dominates most humanoid realms.

4. The emergence of an ascended Master Avadar, the Celestial Nature Goddesses, and other spiritual masters: will completely change everything!

Governments will change, religions will change, people will change, civilizations will fundamentally change for the better in many timelines!

In the evening of 16 JULY 22, while watching this documentary about the formation of the modern day religion of Wicca, the spirit of Gerald Gardner visited Avadar and used a youthful, female persona, with a confirmation of who that soul was given minutes later. (Her name was given soon thereafter: ATHERA.) Avadar was considering going to a Wiccan gathering just to feel the positive energy. Like he did many years ago at the ECUMENICON at a hotel in Maryland. With a British accent, that spirit then said to him:

"You are not a Wiccan. You're a rarefied Sex Guardian!" 


On 3 DEC 22, the spirit of the legendary television news reporter, Walter Cronkite, visited Master Avadar and telepathically relayed the following:

"The Reticulan-aliens are deeply evil."

On 3-4 DEC 22, the spirit of pop-icon music legend John Denver, known for his love of pristine nature scenery, visited Master Avadar and telepathically relayed the following:

"There really is a warm, Reticulan-alien nation-continent beyond the southern ice wall border of Antarctica! They have entire cities, human-food processing facilities, and a large number of human slaves, with some of the female humans used as sex slaves to the Reptilians!"


What's Really Behind The Ice Wall In Antarctica? 

US Federal Code Forbidding Extraterrestrial Exposure

No One Allowed Near Antarctica!

Ben Rich Deathbed Confession About UFO's & US Military Having Interstellar Flight Capability


ALIEN WAR and The Horrors of Dulce Underground Base

Black Woman Farmer Shoots & Kills A Reptilian With A Shotgun

Grey-Alien Workers, Mantis Overlords, & Overall Reticulan Confusion About The Soul

CIA Employee & Geologist Phil Schneider Speaks Out About  Aliens Before Federal Agents Murdered Him

Pleiadians & Nordics Explained

Alien Implants Proof of Alien abductions

Top US General Warns About Hybrid Armies & Aliens

The Reticulan Empire With Hybrid Armies (With Allied Antarctican Nazis) Plan To Have The Official Invasion In 2030 

Brazilian Scientist Releases Documentary "Proving" Earth is Flat



High Altitude Flat Earth (Raw Footage)

High Altitude Flat Earth (With Subtitles)

Missile Expert Confirms Flat Earth

Lasers Prove The Flat Earth


Former Governmental Insider Confirms Flat Earth & Ice Wall In Antarctica

NASA Globe Picture A Composite Deception

Flat Earth  Documentary

Flat Earth At 70,000 Feet & Beyond

44 Government Documents Indicating A Flat Earth

2022 Flatten The Curve Documentary

Retired Polish General & Astronaut Confirms Flat Earth

How To Shut Up Flat Earthers Forever!


Hindu Scripture Attesting To An Ancient Nuclear War twelve Thousand Years Ago

Documentary Addressing Physical Evidence Of  One Or More Ancient Nuclear Wars

Gravity-wave propulsion and antimatter weapons explained:

Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar's Documentary Explaining Alien Propulsion & Antimatter Weapons

Lockheed Skunk Works Director on Deathbed UFO’s Are Real

Reverse Engineered Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARV's)

Source: High Altitude Flat Earth : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

UFO sighting: NASA SOHO space probe spots ’giant alien disk’ shoot out of 'HOLLOW' Sun

The Moon Revealed To Be A Hollow SpaceshipApo

Avadar's answer to If the President of the United States was aware of alien presences on Earth, in your opinion, should he say it publicly or not?

Russian Military Officer Documentary Of Third Reich Base Underneath Antarctica

Did US Navy battle UFOs protecting Nazi Antarctic sanctuary in 1947?

U.S. Denies Spectacular Ruins in Antarctica Captured on Video

Antarctica Secret UFO Bases - Linda Moulton Howe

Avadar's answer to What is the real answer behind why people aren't allowed to go Antarctica?

Avadar's answer to If the President of the United States was aware of alien presences, should he publicly announce it?

Avadar's answer to What is the usual "evidence" that flat earthers tend to give?

"The mills of the gods grind slowly yet finely."

This is an expression about karma that dates back thousands of years. To the Greco-Roman period of history, when polytheism was much more popular than monotheism.

The expression means that evil is slowly punished and that good is slowly rewarded, each with precision.

This is TRUE.

After death, the good feel the pleasure of their kindness in The Infinite Light and also an expansion of their consciousness to the higher astral planes.

In contrast, the evil feel the pain of their cruelty in The Infinite Light and also a shrinking of their consciousness to the lower astral planes.

​​​​​​Hawking-Oppenheimer Message

On the morning of 7-23-23, the spirit of English theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking gave a message:

"The Reticulans are working on orchestrating an invasion BEFORE the New World Order is successful in establishing a UN-led international totalitarian regime. Not imminent but in the planning stages. They will primarily deploy Nordic-alien led Hybrid armies. Nazi troops with swastikas on their uniforms out of Antarctica will also be part of the invasion.

The Zetan military has hundreds of interstellar warships locally and over ten thousand warships in the overall sense within their space empire."

The spirit of American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer commented:

"The tactics of the Goddess Guardians are superior to Reticulan forces. Namely, the nihilation beam technology, quickly dissolving matter with no heat involved. The Reticulans have no defense against this."

See: Technology Versus GodCraft.

John Mack Message 

The spirit of the esteemed Harvard professor, psychiatrist, author, and alien abduction phenomenon researcher, Dr. John Mack, visited a number of times.

On the morning of 8-16-23, he telepathically relayed: 

"The strategy and development to provide adequate telekinetic defense against the subjugating Reticulans has a high probability of success after your ascension."